
NEW NOVEL: Gospel of V

Virgil Hesse has disappeared. All that remains of him is a manuscript for a story: a locked room murder mystery.

The Cosmigrove family reunites for the first time in years. The family’s patriarch, the infamous Joseph Cosmigrove, is dying. He’d dedicated his life to his art – and his death will prove to be nothing short of artistic.

One morning, the family awakens to find that someone has dug a hole in their garden. At its bottom lies a skeleton.

A prologue to a series of bizarre murders that will soon fall upon the family. The skeleton begins to move through the house, as if through walls, escaping from and into locked rooms.

–That is the story.

But the story, as the editors reading it will find, is more than just mere fiction. Soon enough, it bleeds into the real world in the most horrifying of ways.


Note: The book is available across many regions and other Amazon domains, not just; feel free to search for the title in the Amazon version you happen to be using. Some of them are:

UK / DE / JP / AU

First Amazon release! It probably should’ve happened sooner, but better late than never.

Gospel was written during my two-month stay in the America, at the height of the most recent mystery novel binge. It’s a story alternating between a fictional manuscript and the discussion of the two editors trying to untangle it. I’m surprised I hadn’t really done something like this earlier (at least, in non-fanwork context).

Personally, I think it turned out very well! I think the focus on mystery and fast pace will appeal to most readers (now that I’m publicly on Amazon and actually charging money for this, I do need to think a little about general appeal, I suppose… but only a little). It’s still a work primarily intended for people who like mystery fiction to begin with, though, since there’s discussion on tropes and logical extremes in both sides of the narrative.

As always, a huge thanks to selkie for the cover art. And thanks to all the beta-readers!

As I talked about before, I’ll probably be releasing Odyssey to the Castle of Vampires and a collection of some of my previously-published stories next. The former to have a paperback edition and the latter because I’ve gotten a bit tired of publishing on Medium. In the long run, there’s a good chance most if not all my stuff will find its way to Amazon at some point.

I’d mentioned that I would also be releasing Gospel on itch, where I’d previously released my novels. This has slightly changed in the short term – I’ve enrolled the Kindle version of Gospel in Amazon’s KDP Select program, meaning that Amazon gets exclusivity for the ebook version of the book for the next 90 days. The flip-side of that is that, if you’re on Kindle Unlimited, you should be able to read the book for free!

Once again, a huge thanks to everyone who helped out – and many thanks to anyone who ends up reading it!

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.